Drums and Dance

Today at Stanly Community College we had some folks from The Sacred Grove Retreat visit us and offer drum instruction to interested students. They were accompanied by Katie Hopkins, a Hoop Dance instructor. So for a while the student center was filled with rhythms and beats, and some beautiful hoop dance movement, which still photography can hardly do justice to. Unfortunately no one else could be convinced to try the hoop dancing, but many participated in the drumming. Faculty and staff members were few in number, but students were abundant. Tech notes: The wide angle shot was with the Fujifilm X100s. The rest were taken with the Nikon Df and the DC-Nikkor 105mm f2. There is one more hoop dance shot on the Df page.
Katie Hopkins, Hoop Dancer and instructor.
Katie Hopkins, Hoop Dancer and instructor.
Katie Hopkins, Hoop Dancer and instructor.

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