The Annual Wild Lilies

The woods around our house bring us many good things. The most important is beauty, but we also value the firewood in the winter, the meat for our freezer, and the peaceful place to walk and meditate. Every Spring I look forward, camera in hand, to the annual rise of the Wild Lilies. It was a wonderful surprise the first year I discovered them hidden away in the thick woods. They seem to come up almost overnight. Two weeks ago there was no sign of them, but today they are in full bloom, and some are fading already.

Wild white Lilies in the woods of North Carolina near the Uwharrie mountains.

These flowers are such a feast for the eyes that it is a pleasure to seek different ways to photography them. I began this morning with a wide angle lens (28mm) and quickly changed to a Voigtlander 90mm for closer shots.
Wild white Lilies in the woods of North Carolina near the Uwharrie mountains.

The Voigtlander 90mm is a fine lens capable of close focus as well as standard focus. It includes a closeup lens attachment but with flowers this large I did not have need for that.

Wild white Lilies in the woods of North Carolina near the Uwharrie mountains.

A morning in the Spring woods photographing beautiful things is a meditative experience. The words of Jesus come to mind, “consider the lilies of the field how they grow, they neither toil nor spin yet not even Solomon in all his glory was dressed like one of these.”

Wild white Lilies in the woods of North Carolina near the Uwharrie mountains.

As beautiful as these scenes are in color, they make for fine black and white subjects as well.

Wild white Lilies in the woods of North Carolina near the Uwharrie mountains.

I sat for a while just taking in the peace and joy of the place, and only the call of other responsibilities brought me back to the house.

Wild white Lilies in the woods of North Carolina near the Uwharrie mountains.

All of these photos were taken with the Nikon Df and the two Voigtlander lenses mentioned. There is one more shot from this series over in the Df365 page on this site.

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  1. Great photos Dan and what a place to find them outside of the heart.
    It’s good to see your stuff again and to see photos from the DF.

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