Today was a family day, but of course the Nikon Df had to be part of it. My 14 year old daughter and I took a short hike in the Uwharrie National Forest to a place called “Nifty Rocks” (believe it or not that is what it says on the trail map). Later both daughters had friends over for dinner and a social evening. They are now accustomed to the camera, and mostly ignore my photographic intrusions. Lucky for me. These were all taken with either the Nikon 28mm f2.8 or the DC-Nikkor 105mm f2. The camera was set to monochrome.
A day hike in the Uwharrier Mountain National Forest.

"Nifty Rocks" Uwharrier National Forest, North Carolina.

"Nifty Rocks" Uwharrier National Forest, North Carolina.

An evening at home with daughters and their friends.

An evening at home with daughters and their friends.

An evening at home with daughters and their friends.

About the author


  1. Nice to have time with the family. I used to have days, weeks like that but now it’s just my Russian Czar wife and a fat spoiled cat.

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