Enjoying Different Cameras

When photography is a passion that means for some of us that we enjoy the tools as well as the process and results. Of course ultimately photography is about results. We want to see the final picture, and often we want others to see as well. If we are doing post processing on a computer after the digital files are saved, then that becomes part of the process also.This means there are tools to take pictures, and tools (computers and software) to digitally develop pictures. For me the computer and software part is a given. I want the best I can afford to do the job well. But long before any images get to the computer they pass through a camera. Recently I have been experimenting with the NEX5N and its bigger brother the NEX7. The latter is a 24 megapixel mirrorless camera capable of substantial resolution in the pictures taken with it. It is a joy for the passionate photographer to experiment with different cameras. That may be an argument for associating with other photographers with whom you can compare notes and experiences. With mirrorless cameras like the Sony NEX series adapters can be purchased that enable the use of non-Sony lenses. The following photo was taken with the NEX7 using a Zeiss 100mm macro lens that has a Nikon mount. With an adapter the Nikon mount will work, manually, on the NEX7. In this picture the sun was back lighting the Verbena flowers, and in-camera flash was used to front light them.

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