Travelling By Train

The Lenswork Roadshow in Philadelphia is the destination, by train from Salisbury North Carolina. The trip was long with several delays turning the whole thing into almost 14 hours. My camera of choice for most of it was the Fujifilm X100s. So we begin in the waiting room of the Amtrak station in Salisbury where this young man gave me helpful pointers about the uses of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
When the train arrived we were directed to different cars depending upon our destinations. So I started up a good conversation but then was separated from my new acquaintances.
When the train is not being held up by unexpected delays it moves along smartly. This is where I found the X100s to be a very responsive camera. It acquired focus quickly and took the shots with minimum delay. This shot was taken through the window as our trains passed going opposite directions.
The silent shutter setting was helpful for getting some in the cabin candid shots.

The trains are staffed with helpful conductors (or whatever they are called now).

We passed a wide diversity of environments, city-scapes, farms, bogs, residential areas and plenty of graffiti.

The trip is lengthened considerably by many stops for passengers to disembark and board.

Finally, 30th street station, Philadelphia.

Travel Tip: Always remember to bring the charger for the camera batteries! I forgot the charger for the X100s batteries, so that camera will soon be out of service on this trip. Fortunately it is not the only camera I have along.

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  1. Dan my friend, you’ve captured the essence of the X100s and thus the essence of your own vision. Looking forward to Monday, enjoy your weekend.

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