Winter Storm Pax and the Birds

While we were warmly tucked in by the fireside during Winter Storm Pax here in North Carolina, the backyard birds were frantically trying to find food. They are not accustomed in these parts to finding the woods and fields buried in a thick snow cover. So our bird feeder was overrun with activity that made for a nice photo opportunity, especially for a home-bound photographer. These were all taken with the Nikon Df through a window, mostly with the Nikon 180mm f2.8 lens, and lightly processed in Lightroom 5.
Birds at feeder in winter.
Birds at feeder in winter.
Birds at feeder in winter.
Birds at feeder in winter.
Cardinal at bird feeder.
Cardinal at bird feeder.
Cardinal female at bird feeder.

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  1. Dan, I gotta say…you found your camera. This is a beautiful set and speaks highly about you and the camera. It’s also very obvious that you don’t have any North East Philly Squirrels around otherwise, no bird photos for you…….

    1. Thank you, Don. As for squirrels, we have our share on this land, but I have a policy that no squirrels are allowed near the house. You get my drift. A friend of mine nearly lost his home last month due to a squirrel chewing on a wire that started a fire.

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