Mornings and Evenings

We have had a series of beautiful morning and evening skies here in the Piedmont of North Carolina lately, interrupted for a couple of days by a storm. As I am eager to get good shots every day with my Nikon Df (see that link above) and post them, naturally in the process I have taken several morning and evening shots. However, many of these have not been posted on the Df 365 days of posts page because I chose to post something else there. So here are a few of our recent morning and evening sky shots with the Df. All were taken from the south facing second story deck of my house.
Sunrise on a winter morning.January 24th, morning

Sunset reflections on southern clouds.January 26th, morning

Early morning sky before sunrise, Piedmont of North Carolina.January 26th, evening

Sunrise on a winter morning, Piedmont of North Carolina.January 29th, morning

WRA_1305January 30th, evening

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