A Frosty Morning and a New Lens

The field behind my house was covered in heavy frost this morning. A good time to put the Zeiss 100mm Macro on the Nikon Df and take to the outdoors. After some experiments, all hand held, I took a couple of shots that I liked. One is on the DF page and the other is here:
Frost on wild grass.

Later in the day UPS showed up with my order of the Voigtlander 40mm Ultron f2 pancake lens. By that time the frost was gone so I went out looking for some likely subjects to try it out. It comes with a handy screw-on close-up lens to increase its usefulness for people like me who favor macro photography. Though I got the lens with Street photography in mind, it looks like it will be a fine field lens. Here are a couple of samples from the afternoon trial. The two close focused shots are without the closeup lens:
Starburst sun over trees and blue sky.

Here is the Nikon Df with the Voigtlander 40mm Ultron f2 lens:
Nikon Df with Voigtlander 40mm Ultron f2 pancake lens.

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  1. Dan, you should know that I am fully committed to your photo a day project. I stand at the ready to post but alas……

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