The Rise of Quality Small Cameras

It used to be that serious photography had to be done with large Single Lens Reflex  (SLR) cameras. But the times “they are a changing.” All of the major camera manufacturers are now producing high quality compact mirror-less cameras, many with digital sensors as large and sharp as those in the full size SLRs. These are light, sometimes pocketable, and many have excellent selections of lenses. They make it possible for even the professional photographer to have always on hand a quality camera. You never know when the next photo opportunity will reveal itself. For some of us these newer compacts are opening fresh vistas in our photographic lives. We no longer need to look at that large, heavy SLR and ask, “Do I want to carry that around today?” And for those of us with back problems, or other motives that make us want to travel light, these serious compacts are a blessing. I have been using the small cameras for about a year and a half now, and would not be without them. I have tried several, including the Panasonic GF1 and LX5, the Ricoh GXR, the Fujifilm X100 and X10. But my favorites these days are the Sony NEX5N, and the Samsung NX200. Both of these have sensors as large as my NIkon D7000, and they use interchangeable lenses. Here is a shot taken this morning with the NX200 while on a morning grocery run.


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